Repeat after me.
Not yet, stupid. Repeat after me: I solemnly swear.
"I solemnly mother f***ing swear."
"I solemnly swear."
That from this day forwards.
"That from this day forwards."
I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film at the cinema.
"Excluding Deathproof."
"Excluding Death Proof. I thought it'd be rubbish. And I didn't want to watch the other one.
Okay. Repeat after me: I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film apart from Death Proof at the cinema as long as I shall live.
"| do."
"I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film apart from Death Proof - because I thought it was going to be a bit rubbish and I read in a review that Planet Terror was shit - as long as I shall live."
Till Death Proof and Planet Terror do part.
"Till Death Proof and Planet Terror do part."
You may now kill the bride.
"Thank you, vicar. I'd just like to say a few words: [Clears throat]–
Is it from Ezekiel 25:17?
"It just so happens that it is."
The only QT movie I've seen at the cinema was Pulp Fiction. When the pre-credits sequence slammed into the titles I thought "This is going to be an instant motherf####in' classic... motherf###er..."