Repeat after me. "Repea – " Not yet, stupid. Repeat after me: I solemnly swear. "I solemnly mother f***ing swear." - "I solemnly swear." That from this day forwards. " That from this day forwards." I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film at the cinema. "Excluding Deathproof." What? "Excluding Death Proof. I thought it'd be rubbish. And I didn't want to watch the other one . Okay. Repeat after me: I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film apart from Death Proof at the cinema as long as I shall live. "| do." Repeat. "I will watch every Quentin Tarantino film apart from Death Proof - because I thought it was going to be a bit rubbish and I read in a review that Planet Terror was shit - as long as I shall live." Till Death Proof and Planet Terror do part. "Till Death Proof and Planet Terror do part." You may now kill the bride. "Thank yo...